Lige nu arbejder jeg (Thyge) på at starte bloggen op igen. Denne gang sammen med min kammerat Mathias. Vi arbejder på at lave bloggen mere overskuelig og lægge den under domænet Jeg skal ikke kunne sige hvornår der for alvor sker noget, men vi arbejder på det. Bloggen skal fungere som en god introduktion til genren samt guide til upcomings, nyudgivelser, events - krydret med lidt interviews, videoer og lignende. Jeg vil fungere mest som skribent, hvor Mathias vil fungere mest som webmaster. Hvor Mathias vil tage sig af at forbedre layoutet og brugervenligheden, vil jeg forsøge at højne kvaliteten af indlæg.
Vi vil ikke love for meget, så jeg må hellere stoppe her, men har i feedback og gode idéer er i mere end velkomne til at kontakte os på:
BBC om Mount Kimbie
Indsendt af
on torsdag den 24. juni 2010
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Jeg vil lige starte med at forklare den manglende opdatering af siden. Vi har begge fået fuldtidsjobs og har gang i mange forskellige, så bloggen kommer desværre i sidste række. Det er ikke sikkert at vi fortsætter med den, men vi lukker den ikke helt. Når det er sagt, så har jeg lige set denne artikel på BBC's hjemmeside:
Could you imagine Burial getting up on stage, singing live vocals and playing guitar? Well that's exactly what a new dubstep outfit called Mount Kimbie are doing.
The pair are turning a lot of conventions around the scene on their head - and have become hot property as remixers - with the likes of Foals and the XX getting them on board.
Though they don't consider themselves as specifically a dubstep act Mount Kimbie are currently signed to one of the genre's original labels, Hot Flush recordings and have their musical roots in the scene.
Next month they release their debut album Crooks and Lovers.
Og her er så en lille snak med de to producere, som I iøvrigt kan høre på dette års STRØM festival:
Could you imagine Burial getting up on stage, singing live vocals and playing guitar? Well that's exactly what a new dubstep outfit called Mount Kimbie are doing.
The pair are turning a lot of conventions around the scene on their head - and have become hot property as remixers - with the likes of Foals and the XX getting them on board.
Though they don't consider themselves as specifically a dubstep act Mount Kimbie are currently signed to one of the genre's original labels, Hot Flush recordings and have their musical roots in the scene.
Next month they release their debut album Crooks and Lovers.
Og her er så en lille snak med de to producere, som I iøvrigt kan høre på dette års STRØM festival:
Rusko og Jakes til DK
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on tirsdag den 18. maj 2010
Upcoming Events
Comments: (3)
HANSEN, LØFFLER & RASMUSSEN (HLR ) er tilbage med en efterfølger til SKREAM & BENGA eventet i STORE VEGA. Denne gang præsenterer vi i samarbejde med PUMPEHUSET endnu et stort navn fra dubstep scenen, nemlig den bladeaktuelle RUSKO ( læs mere om RUSKO i bunden af siden ) + den engelske stjerne MC JAKES ( læs mere om Jakes i bunden af siden ) !!!
Sidst men ikke mindst opvarmer det samlede OHOI-CREW aka 2000F, DJ JSL, KRISTOBAL & TIM DRIVER op til det vi håber bliver et brag af en aften.
Der bliver selvfølgelig lejet ekstra bass ind i aftenens anledning, og med GLENN bag pulten så kan det kun gå galt på den rigtige måde.
OHOI aka:
Bass for fuld blæs den 21. maj - håber vi ses
Mvh Georg Rasmussen (HLR)
præsenterer i samarbejde med PUMPEHUSET:
FREDAG 21.05.10
100 kr i døren:
RUSKO (UK) - dj set
"Because of my mum’s band, there were always guitars and stringed instruments flying around the house when I was growing up; music was always all around me. I’ve still got a banjo at my flat, yeah I play a bit of banjo…then moved on to bass and saxophone, which I stuck to – those were the two instruments I focused on for my degree.
I studied music performance, rather than the technical side of production. I’ve never taken any classes in production. I never used to really go to my lectures at college; I used to always be in the studios using all the nice equipment. I was never really an electronic kind of person, although I am now, but I just come from playing real instruments and real music, that’s my background, really. I only started DJing to promote the music I was making – a lot of people are DJs and then they start producing; I was the other way around."
"I used to do a lot of live producing – I’d record live instruments and putting electronic stuff in them, all sorts of things like that, from a very young age. I used to have a little drum machine when I was about 14. My mum used to go mad because I would always be on her computer – remember when your mum got her first computer and it was the most precious thing ever? It was like that. I was always on her computer once I figured out how to hook up my drum machine up and once I figured out a way to hook up my mum’s record player to it. That was the start, really.
So I’ve been producing for a long, long time – I’m the first one to say I’m not a DJ, I’m not DJ Rusko." (laughs) "I’ve always been into electronic music, I just come from the other end. I come from dub, really. Dub is the one for me. The whole studio ethos behind dub, and making dub, is what got me into making electronic music.
If I’d grown up in London, I would’ve been into garage and all that kind of stuff – but growing up in Leeds, there isn’t any of that. It just doesn’t exist; you don’t even hear about it because there’s just so much dub and dub reggae. I miss it so much living in London now - in Leeds, most nights there’s some kind of dub soundsystem but down here there’s just not as much demand for it. I started off by making dub tunes and then Mark from Iration Steppaz started playing some of them. Iration have a shop up in Leeds, so I’d take my tunes, try them out on the system in their shop and they’d be like “do this…do that…do this…” So I’d come back with another one a few days later and talk to them about it. It was kinda like trial and error, being guided the way a little bit by those boys.
That was before dubstep was really dubstep; I was just making dub music, trying it out. I remember Digital Mystikz doing a set at Sub Dub and that was it. Dubstep was like what I was doing musically, but it was just a little bit more - made the beats a bit faster and harder…I was just dub, no step. It’s only within the two years that I’ve put a ‘step’ on the end. (laughs) I used to make hip hop and dub under the name Rusk, so I ran with Rusko for my dubstep productions."
"I reckon we’re best when we play back to back (Caspa and Rusko). If I get booked to play a one hour set, I’ll end up playing exactly the same tunes as Caspa – we end up arguing who gets to play what! (laughs) We’ve got almost identical record bags. Plus we have a quick turnaround; all the artists on our label are knocking out tunes constantly. So your DJ box one month looks completely different the next; the turnaround of tunes is fast. That’s good, because people get bored of tunes so quickly, they’re hungry for it, they want to hear more, more, more, more…"
"I moved down the street from Caspa and started helping on board with Dub Police, helping out with the label and that kind of stuff so it kind of rolled out from there. We live near each other, it’s almost like we live together!
I’d been making dub and I made about 4 dubstep tunes, only 2 minutes long each, to play as interludes in my own DJ sets. It was little more than an experiment. They weren’t even proper tunes – four 2 minute dubstep interludes – to have a go at it and put in my set, and two of them ended up getting put out on the first EP. So I thought I’d try it out - move to London and make dubstep.
It was a proper gamble moving down to London; I didn’t know a single person in London apart from Caspa so I was literally leaving my family, my girlfriend, my home, everything. The first few months were hard – no job, no money, all my friends were still living up north, it was hard work. Luckily it’s all come back together now, but it was a real gamble – on one release, it could either go one way or the other…and it’s gone further, way further, than I expected it to.
I still make a bit of dub and hip hop on the side because when you’re travelling around doing gigs, all people want to talk about and hear is dubstep. I get sick to the back teeth with it! So when I go home, sometimes I just want to make some nice, chillin, melodic hip hop; I don’t necessarily want to go home and do more dubstep. Usually when I go home after a weekend of dubstep, I’ll go home and crack on with some drum n bass, dub, hip hop.
We just like to have a bit of fun. A lot of dubstep is really serious, but we try to not take ourselves too seriously. I’ve got a tune called ‘Mr Chips’ that’s on the mix, it’s got the ‘Catchphrase’ sample in it! It’s all about things like that; I’m totally not on a serious tip. The content of the music, the actual musical content in the tunes, is quite serious – all the Digital Mystikz stuff and that kind of sound is serious music. Whereas our stuff is – well, it’s party music, it’s a bit more tongue in cheek. And, in some ways, it’s almost closer to drum‘n’bass."
Jakes is many things to many people, to some he is the voice of TC’s smash hits ‘Deep’, ‘Drink’ and ‘Mindkiller’, to others he is the Daddy of Bristolian Dubstep crew H.E.N.C.H and to musical historians he is one of the most interesting vocalists that underground British music can lay claim to. Never afraid to break from tradition and roll with his own flow, Jakes’ voice has become one of the most recognisable in the game and his energetic live performances see him travelling across the globe and smacking down raves from Bristol to Boston with his inimitable style.
Within a few years, Jakes has gone from being one of the big name MCs of the drum and bass world to now being one of the most talked about Producers in Dubstep. In a very short space of time, the progression towards his now trademark style has been applauded by many – and not limited to the Dubstep scene.
In 2009, the release of The Jakes Project, which included anthems such as Rock Tha Bells and Warface, demonstrated Jakes’ ability to straddle genres with his aptness for innovation and style remaining intact. With his own productions receiving widespread support from as wide-ranging DJs from Skream to Crookers to Mary Anne Hobbs to Gaslamp Killer, Jakes has gone on to produce remixes that have topped download charts and he regularly receives extensive radio coverage. With this in mind, it’s no wonder that his label has a host of talented artists releasing their productions through the HENCH imprint.
Hotflush Recordings May - July 2010
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on tirsdag den 4. maj 2010
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Har lige set denne besked fra Hutflush. Det er en midlertidig liste over hvad de udgiver mellem Maj og Juli 2010.
HOTSHORE003: Scuba - Tense (DBridge remix) / Dissident - Society of Silver Skeletons (Headhunter remix)
HFRMX007: Mount Kimbie - William (Tama Sumo + Prosumer remix) / Vertical (SCB edit)
HFT011: Sigha - Shake / Shapes / Light Swells (in a Distant Space)
ABUCS007: Scuba - Eclipse / Tense (Ramadanman remix)
HFT012: George Fitzgerald - Weakness / The Let Down
HF025: Sepalcure - Love Pressure ep
Mount Kimbie album
I kan høre lydklips på deres hjemmeside (linkes ved at trykke på indlægstitlen). Jeg skal ihvertfald erhverve mig Mount Kimbies album så snart det er muligt!
Bar9 på Spektrum (Århus)
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Jeg har ikke været på Spektrum endnu, og havde egentlig heller ikke intentioner om det, men tror nu nok at et månedligt dubstep arrangement kunne ændre lidt på mine fordomme. Uden at vide det, så tror jeg at mange, ligesom jeg, forbinder Spektrum med det, som det gamle Broen var. Deres booking tyder dog på at de vil gøre meget for at ændre dette image. Håber det lykkes for dem, så der kan komme flere af disse fede arrangementer!
Facebookevent beskrivelsen:
Sub Lab zx. Spectrum
DK's største "Funktion One" anlæg skal bruges til andet end "House Music" og det sørger "Sub Lab" for en gang månedligt i fremtiden. Udover at skrue op for bassen slukker vi for lyset ; )
Konstant søger vi de bedste rammer for bass kultur i Århus.
Under forskellige alias har vi længe holdt fanen højt og presenteret vidt og bredt inden for bas genrerne.
Denali Sound System / Raggapak / Dubstep Mania / Bass Culture / Raggapakhus Og nu: --Sub Lab-- på Spektrum en gang om måneden.
Det blir fucking vildt, Kæmpe Elektro fest, Sygt meget Bas
Støvet, Beskidt, mørkt, amok.
DnB / Jungle / Room:
Rasmus Shack, DnB set (Remixes and world Flavour)
Iwana (NO)
Noia Niz (Aarh)
Dubstep / Room:
La Cuchina Som Sistema (KBH)
BAR 9 (UK)
Denali Sound (Aarh)
More TBA Soon...
Den gamle båd er blevet renoveret, men vigtigst af alt, udstyret med PA som overgår alle danske klubber. F1, Do I need say more ?
Glæd jer til Danmark og Englands undergrund inden for Dubstep, Ragga, DnB, Dancehall, Jungle og Grime exploderer i Århus på "SubLab" zx Spektrum.
Starttidspunkt: 14. maj 2010 kl. 23:00
Sluttidspunkt: 15. maj 2010 kl. 05:00
Sted: Spektrum
Gade: Nordhavnsgade 10
By: Århus, Denmark
Pris: En sølle 50'er
Facebookevent beskrivelsen:
Sub Lab zx. Spectrum
DK's største "Funktion One" anlæg skal bruges til andet end "House Music" og det sørger "Sub Lab" for en gang månedligt i fremtiden. Udover at skrue op for bassen slukker vi for lyset ; )
Konstant søger vi de bedste rammer for bass kultur i Århus.
Under forskellige alias har vi længe holdt fanen højt og presenteret vidt og bredt inden for bas genrerne.
Denali Sound System / Raggapak / Dubstep Mania / Bass Culture / Raggapakhus Og nu: --Sub Lab-- på Spektrum en gang om måneden.
Det blir fucking vildt, Kæmpe Elektro fest, Sygt meget Bas
Støvet, Beskidt, mørkt, amok.
DnB / Jungle / Room:
Rasmus Shack, DnB set (Remixes and world Flavour)
Iwana (NO)
Noia Niz (Aarh)
Dubstep / Room:
La Cuchina Som Sistema (KBH)
BAR 9 (UK)
Denali Sound (Aarh)
More TBA Soon...
Den gamle båd er blevet renoveret, men vigtigst af alt, udstyret med PA som overgår alle danske klubber. F1, Do I need say more ?
Glæd jer til Danmark og Englands undergrund inden for Dubstep, Ragga, DnB, Dancehall, Jungle og Grime exploderer i Århus på "SubLab" zx Spektrum.
Starttidspunkt: 14. maj 2010 kl. 23:00
Sluttidspunkt: 15. maj 2010 kl. 05:00
Sted: Spektrum
Gade: Nordhavnsgade 10
By: Århus, Denmark
Pris: En sølle 50'er
Moments In Love
Indsendt af
on onsdag den 28. april 2010
Dagens YouTube
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Undskyld den manglende opdatering. Jeg arbejder en hel del for tiden og har nogle forskellige projekter i gang og bloggen kommer derfor let i sidste række - jeg beklager!
Jeg vil lige tage jer tilbage til 1983 i selskab med den eksperimenterende gruppe Art Of Noise og deres nummer Moments In Love, som jeg anser for at være det første dubstep nummer ever! Dengang blev det kaldet avant-garde synthpop, men der er vidst ikke mange herinde der ikke kan se parallellerne til vores elskede genre.
På wiki står der således om nummeret:
"Moments In Love" is a ten-minute, downtempo, instrumental ode to sensuality that appeared on both Into Battle and Who's Afraid. It was remixed and released as a single in 1984 (first released in the USA in 1983, where it was a moderate hit on the U.S. R&B singles chart). It was played at Madonna's wedding; used in the soundtrack to the movie Pumping Iron II: The Women; used in a number of advertisements; and remixed, covered, and sampled by other artists for years afterward. It has also appeared in numerous chill out compilations and has become a staple of smooth jazz radio station playlists
Anywho - her får i den forkortet version:
og i et af de meget populære dubstep remix af sangen:
Jeg vil lige tage jer tilbage til 1983 i selskab med den eksperimenterende gruppe Art Of Noise og deres nummer Moments In Love, som jeg anser for at være det første dubstep nummer ever! Dengang blev det kaldet avant-garde synthpop, men der er vidst ikke mange herinde der ikke kan se parallellerne til vores elskede genre.
På wiki står der således om nummeret:
"Moments In Love" is a ten-minute, downtempo, instrumental ode to sensuality that appeared on both Into Battle and Who's Afraid. It was remixed and released as a single in 1984 (first released in the USA in 1983, where it was a moderate hit on the U.S. R&B singles chart). It was played at Madonna's wedding; used in the soundtrack to the movie Pumping Iron II: The Women; used in a number of advertisements; and remixed, covered, and sampled by other artists for years afterward. It has also appeared in numerous chill out compilations and has become a staple of smooth jazz radio station playlists
Anywho - her får i den forkortet version:
og i et af de meget populære dubstep remix af sangen:
Outlook festival 2010
Indsendt af
on tirsdag den 20. april 2010
Upcoming Events
Comments: (3)
Outlook festivalen kører i år på tredje år, og er fra år til år vokset. Festivalen, som med god ret kalder sig 'Europes largest bass culture & dubstep festival', har i år flyttet location til det solrige Kroatien, nærmere betegnet en gammel slotsruin tæt på byen Pula i det nordlige kroatien. I kan se venuet nærmere her. Jeg har snakket lidt med en af promoterne for festivalen, og han siger, at de er ret sikre på at få udsolgt, så i må hellere slå til! Billetprisen er, som i nok har set på banneret, £89, men i skal være opmærksom på, at pris for overnatning + transport ikke er inkluderet. På outlooks hjemmeside kan i se mere info vedrørende dette. De snakker noget om at det billigste er en camping plads til £7 pr. nat, så det er jo ikke vildt slemt. Ellers hvis man virkelig er på røven økonomisk, så kan man sagtens sove på strandene i Kroatien (det havde jeg i hvert fald succes med i sommers). Mht. transport, så tjek billige flybilletter til Pula, fyld en bil eller som Outlook selv skriver det: "Take the bus! it will give you the chance to experience a drive through Europe and a chance to get to know a bus full of likeminded people also on their way to party, you’ll feel like a family by the time you get there." Hvis i har spørgsmål, så skriv en mail til Outlook, de virker til at være meget behjælpelige! Mailen finder i på siden.
I får lige et lille overview over den fantastiske venue:
.. og nu til det sindsyge line-up, som rummer alt fra Funtcase til Ramadanman (altid godt med noget til enhver smag).
Roots Manuva, Rodney P & Skitz, Mary Anne Hobbs, Roska, Task Force, Verb T, Kashmere, Scorzayzee, The Gaslamp Killer, Floating Points, Benji B, Tokimonsta, Illum Sphere, Kidkanevil, Alexander Nut, Debruit, Blue Daisy, Broke'n'english, Man Like Me, Rich Reason, Eddy Ramich, Lefto, Submotion Orchestra, Engine Earz (Live), Will Coldwell, Action Jackson, Fliptrix, Brackles And Goldielocks
Skream, Mala & Coki - Digital Mystikz, The Bug Ft. Flowdan, Joker, Plastician, N-Type, Hatcha, Loefah, Shackleton, Distance, Quest, Silkie, Oris Jay, Pinch, Scuba, Chef, Dj 2562, Kryptic Minds, Stenchman, Kromestar, Sukh Knight, Scandalous Unltd, Cyrus, Rsd, Headhunter, Appleblim, Ramadanman, Ben Ufo, Pangaea, Untold, Walsh, Seven, Mrk1, Oneman, Synkro, Indigo, Chimpo, Jack Sparrow, Rouge State, Jay 5, Vivek, Razor Rekta, Submotion Orchestra, Engine Earz (Live), Flux Pavilion, Funtcase, Southbound Hangers, Riskotheque B2b, Marchmellow, Ruckspin, Planas, Slugz & Boyson, Crises, Distinction, Radikal Guru, Spamchop, Klose One & Rattus Rattus Ft Illaman, Moxie & Elvee, Action Jackson, Luxton Brothers, Wobblesquad, Wachs Lyrical, Play Dub, Koan Sound, Goli & Ashburner, Connectionist, Dub Pressue - Kion, Dom & Unlikey, Joe Dubz, Signus, Inc & Jacko, Dropfellas, Finwa, Kahn, Captain Crunch, Darkside, D-Rail, Mark Sov, Dubloke, T_!, Lofty B2b Ellfivedee, France, Hylu & Jago, Joe Kane, Night Owl, Racknruin, George Lenton, Oridio Kid And Daddy Nature
Macka B (Live), Michael Prophet & Dub Asante (Live), Mad Professor, Iration Steppas, Gentleman's Dub Club (Live), Channel One, Bush Chemists & King General, Mungos Hifi Sound System, Exodus, O.B.F, Kanka (Live), Heatwave, Maffi (Live), Firehouse Sound, Dubkasm, Dub Boy, Radical Dub (Live), Digitron, The Uplifter, Reggae Roast Ft., Mon Judah, Inspirational Sounds, Paul Spymania - Sub:Stance, Dj Earthpipe, Sammy Dread, Daddy U Ft. Mc Tenja, My Lad And J-Star & Shepdog
Zinc, Congo Natty Ft. Tenor Fly, Kenny Ken, Ragga Twins, Commix, Alix Perez, Spectrasoul, Break, D-Bridge, Icicle, Nymfo, Serum, Steppa + Kitcha, Dj Fu, Ttc, Logan D, Ant Tc1, Shock, Junglist Alliance, Mr J Cutter, Rikines, Al Sonar, Transit Mafia, Lowlife, Al Sonar, Marksman, Muse, Lazell And Buds
Flow Dan, P Money, D Double E, Sgt Pokes, Crazy D, Eksman, Badness, Sp:Mc, Viper, Dread Mc, Danman, Gusto, Soom T, Mad B, G Double, Ramin, Andlar, Illa Man, Inc, Ramon Judah, Mc Tenja, Jago, Mc Sparkerboi And Chunky
Jeg ved ikke om der kommer flere på, men dem der er listet over er alle der er offentliggjort indtil videre (inkl. dem der er offentliggjort i dag).
Er der andre end mig der er fucking game på den her festival??
Sikke travlt vi har
Ja, jeg vil lige undskylde manglende opdateringer her på bloggen. Jeg har haft ret travlt den seneste tid og har ikke lige haft tid til at holde styr på hvad der kommer af nye ting. Jeg er derimod gået lidt tilbage i tiden, og har lige fundet en af mine gamle yndlinge frem igen (fra før jeg hørte dubstep) nemlig Squarepusher. Et af hans numre fra pladen 'Do You Know Squarepusher' (2002), har faktisk en ret fed grime/dubstep feeling i sig.. Jeg siger ikke det er dubstep, men nok i den retning til at jeg vover at poste det:
Prøv også at tag et lyt på titel sangen til førnævnte album!
God lørdag!
Prøv også at tag et lyt på titel sangen til førnævnte album!
God lørdag!
Skream&Benga til Vega
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on mandag den 12. april 2010
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Har helt glemt at skrive at Skream, Benga med flere spiller på Store Vega d. 23/4.. I får lige hele smøren fra deres facebook event:
HANSEN, LØFFLER & RASMUSSEN (HLR ) præsenterer i samarbejde med VEGA to af dubsteppens største producer og dj navne SKREAM & BENGA.
Begge artister har været i byen før, men ikke samlet. SKREAM besøgte i 2008 OHOI-eventet Kraken Night III, og samme år optrådte han med BENGA på Roskilde under deres fælles kunstner navn MAGNETIC MAN.
Her er hvad Politiken skrev om SKREAM & BENGA´s Magnetic Man performance i 2008.
Udover de to hovednavne får vi også besøg af den legendariske SGT. POKES fra DIGITAL MYSTIKZ, der vil lægge stemme til de herre SKREAM & BENGAs dj-sæt, og sidst men ikke mindst opvarmer det samlede OHOI-CREW aka 2000F, DJ JSL, KRISTOBAL & TIM DRIVER op.
Vi har i aftenens anledning lejet ekstra bass ind!!!!
Tjek kunstnerne her:
Sgt Pokes
Bass for fuld blæs den 23. april - håber vi ses
Mvh Georg Rasmussen (HLR)"
TID: fredag 23.04.10 STORE VEGA kl. 23:00
BILLETLUGEN: 115 KR (bestil her)
SKREAM (UK) - dj set
BENGA (UK) - dj set
Læs mere på
HANSEN, LØFFLER & RASMUSSEN (HLR ) præsenterer i samarbejde med VEGA to af dubsteppens største producer og dj navne SKREAM & BENGA.
Begge artister har været i byen før, men ikke samlet. SKREAM besøgte i 2008 OHOI-eventet Kraken Night III, og samme år optrådte han med BENGA på Roskilde under deres fælles kunstner navn MAGNETIC MAN.
Her er hvad Politiken skrev om SKREAM & BENGA´s Magnetic Man performance i 2008.
Udover de to hovednavne får vi også besøg af den legendariske SGT. POKES fra DIGITAL MYSTIKZ, der vil lægge stemme til de herre SKREAM & BENGAs dj-sæt, og sidst men ikke mindst opvarmer det samlede OHOI-CREW aka 2000F, DJ JSL, KRISTOBAL & TIM DRIVER op.
Vi har i aftenens anledning lejet ekstra bass ind!!!!
Tjek kunstnerne her:
Sgt Pokes
Bass for fuld blæs den 23. april - håber vi ses
Mvh Georg Rasmussen (HLR)"
TID: fredag 23.04.10 STORE VEGA kl. 23:00
BILLETLUGEN: 115 KR (bestil her)
SKREAM (UK) - dj set
BENGA (UK) - dj set
Læs mere på
Free downloads!
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Den første er et remix af Mount Kimbie's nummer Serged, udarbejdet af FaltyDL. Jeg synes han gør et ret habilt forsøg. Der kommer lidt mere gang i trommerne og det bliver måske en anelse mere 'clubby', meeen jeg synes nu ikke helt han kommer ind under huden på nummeret og får tilført det den nye dimension, som f.eks. James Blake gør det med deres nummer Maybes. Men download endelig og se hvad i selv synes!
Det andet jeg har til jer, er Todd Edwards remix EP'en som lige er blevet lagt til download. Den indeholder bl.a. det lækre Joy Orbison Remix af I Might Be, som jeg omtalte i sidste uge. For download, gå ind på:
Det andet jeg har til jer, er Todd Edwards remix EP'en som lige er blevet lagt til download. Den indeholder bl.a. det lækre Joy Orbison Remix af I Might Be, som jeg omtalte i sidste uge. For download, gå ind på:
James blake interview
Indsendt af
on torsdag den 8. april 2010
Dagens YouTube,
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Jeg fandt også lige dette lille interview med James Blake til jer på Som i måske ligger mærke til, så er det blevet bekræftet endeligt, at James Blake også arbejder under aliaset Harmonimix, hvor han bl.a. har lavet remixes af Lil' Wayne, Destiny's Child og Snoop Dogg.
"Twenty-one-year-old Londoner James Blake makes dubstep music, but he's not your typical dank, dark dubstep dude. His songs creep forward and there's lots of heavy bass, yes, but there's also a unique and playful soulfulness to Blake's tracks, which often feature his own singing voice slowed down by intense digital effects. The result is a bit like a futuristic, lurching take on Moby's Play.
Blake is currently busy lining up new releases and talking with labels, all while getting ready for his final performance at Southeast London's Goldsmiths University, where he's studying contemporary music. So far, he's released the single "Air & Lack Thereof" on Hemlock along with the recent Bells Sketch EP on Hessle. He's also got a few impressive remixes for sonic brethren Untold and Mount Kimbie (who he performs with live), and some unreleased rewrites of hip-hop tunes like Lil Wayne's "A Milli" and Snoop Dogg's "Drop It Like It's Hot" under the moniker Harmonimix.
And that's only the beginning. The ambitious producer has an R&B-sampling EP due out on R&S this month as well as a more "introspective" release in the pipeline that's based on Macbook recordings of his singing and piano playing. In the following interview, we chatted with Blake about his "ultimate calling," D'Angelo's spirituality, and Lil Wayne's loneliness:
Pitchfork: Your music contains elements of dubstep, but it's unique from other artists within that genre.
James Blake: I don't mind people calling it dubstep, but if somebody wants to call it something else, I've got no problem with that either. The beauty it is that if you try and write in a certain way, it goes through this kaleidoscope and comes out as something completely different. I've also been doing stuff as Harmonimix, which is me putting a spin on R&B or hip-hop tunes. So I tried to write hip-hop but it came out sounding completely warped and quite excitable.
Pitchfork: I've heard your Harmonimix remix of Lil Wayne's "A Milli" (embedded below). Why did you redo that track specifically?
JB: I just wanted to make Lil Wayne sing. I came across the vocal and I actually only really heard the original after I did the remix. When I was writing the remix, I wanted to bring out the sadness and loneliness in his voice, but when I play it out at clubs people go mad to it, so there's no right way to look at it.
Pitchfork: It's funny, when people like Lil Wayne or Kanye West use Auto-Tune it sometimes sounds like the slowed-down vocal samples you use in your songs.
JB: I think we'll look back on Auto-Tune as an effect. Sometimes it's just the only way that you can achieve a certain sound. I can sing, but I like to treat my vocals anyway. I can't distort my voice without the use of a distortion unit, but that doesn't mean I'm doing something unnatural.
Pitchfork: I originally assumed most of the effected vocals on your songs were based on samples, but a lot of them are actually your own voice, right?
JB: Yeah, all of the vocals on The Bells Sketch EP are me. They're just chop ups of various things, like me playing the piano and singing. But I have an upcoming EP on R&S which features almost solely R&B samples from people like Aaliyah, Brandy, and R. Kelly, though they're not that recognizable. I went through a phase of wanting to sample stuff to see what kind of quality music I could make out of something that is essentially a quite tired technique.
And I'm a sucker for hearing recognizable samples just as much as anyone else and I'd like to put my own spin on that. Maybe it's cathartic, too. Like I remember when "Ignition (Remix)" by R. Kelly came out and just being absolutely embarrassed to love it. For me, it's an exorcism of all those old melodies and voices.
Pitchfork: "Ignition (Remix)" is a classic song. Do you still feel guilty for liking it?
JB: No, because now it's cool. I always loved Destiny's Child and R. Kelly but, for a lot of people, maybe it takes 10 years for pop to become cool. The other day I played the original "Bills, Bills, Bills" during a DJ set and people loved it. The production was so tight in that Timbaland era. Those tunes sound better in clubs than fucking dance music that's being made for clubs today.
Pitchfork: I read that you're a big fan of D'Angelo's Voodoo. What is it about that album that stands out to you?
JB: I'm not a spiritual person, but that album is deeply spiritual. It gives you a real insight into his mood at the time. And there's something about the male falsetto that I'm really interested in. And when he just played piano and sung, he was incredible. That's what I wanted to do-- play the piano and sing. Nowadays, although I'm making this heavy dance music, I sometimes just sit down at the piano and just sing. It's like that's my ultimate calling. It's a strange feeling to have a lot of electronic music out when all you really want to do is sing. I have a lot of piano music ready, but none of it's released.
Pitchfork: Why did you introduce yourself with this dubstep-inspired music rather than your piano-based music?
JB: I just got into dubstep in a really heavy way when I first went to uni, so I started producing in that style. I've come out the other end now after absolutely blitzing dance music for ages. I've come to a wider understanding of my music through writing a lot of electronic music because now I can see the beauty in the contrast.
Pitchfork: I think a lot of people would be surprised if you put out a piano-based song at this point.
JB: Well, I don't want it to be too much of a surprise. I've planned out my future releases: After the R&S EP where I sample R&B vocals, I've got one coming where I've chopped up recordings made on a Macbook microphone. They're quite hissy but very endearing recordings of me playing piano and singing. I've made those recordings into something quite introspective and not as danceable. My voice will still be treated, but it's less treated. That release is more about making beautiful music; I suppose all music has a bit of beauty to it, but this is a lot more personal. When my vocal album finally comes out, it'll make sense.
Pitchfork: Are you worried about losing fans of the music you've already made by changing your sound?
JB: Nah. [laughs] I'm confident that if I love something, it's OK to put out. I've got no intention of becoming some sort of major label pop star. It's not about that. I'm still deeply into electronic music, but I've got other avenues that I want to take. There's a thread running through everything. I suppose the constant is me.
Listen to more James Blake songs on his Myspace.
Posted by Ryan Dombal on April 2, 2010 at 8 a.m. "
Synes også lige i skal have lidt youtube:
Mount Kimbie's originale version er taget af youtube, men i kan stadig høre den på deres Myspace
Super super super svedigt Mount Kimbie nummer (lyt på myspace), som James Blake har lavet sit helt eget take på (video ovenfor). Synes begge to er vildt lækre!
Anmeldelse af Ikonika album
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Jeg har lige fundet denne anmeldelse på Resident Adviser, af Ikonikas nye album: 'Contact, Love, Want, Have' som lige har ramt gaderne.
There's a undeniable thread that binds Hyperdub and its artists. Yet label boss, spokesman and mainline protagonist, Kode 9, has gone on the record numerous times to say that he can't really put his finger on exactly what it is. When he finds it, he says, he simply knows it. Upon release of Ikonika's debut 12-inch for the label, Please, what was immediately evident was her individuality. With that single Sara Abdel-Hamid merged the nonsense melodics of skweee with lashings of bass weight and some purposefully primitive, galloping drums, creating her own strain of the bastardised bass music virus.
Early Contact, Love, Want, Have highlight "Idiot" sets the tone for the full-length, contorting in typical Ikonika fashion with her cheap sounding synthesizers bumbling around a steady bass drum pulse. Unfurling into a homage to the percussive textures of UK funky as the snare drums patter, she propels the chorus section with slow thick bass tones and the kind of melodic interplay that belongs amongst a bustling arcade. But melody isn't the only concern: Ikonika has positioned herself at the forefront of the outsider dance, and rhythm is just as important. "They Are Losing the War" personifies Ikonika's approach to it perfectly. Pumping off a bold shoulder pad touting riff, she keeps her groove regimented to the 4x4 kick, splaying snares in erratic cyphers across gurgles and uplifting pads.
Singles "Fish," "Millie" and the opinion-splitting "Sahara Michael," the latter of which is an exercise in incredibly high pitched manipulation, booming sine waves and succulent chords chops, are all included before the halfway respite of "Continue?," a track that feels like Ikonika's suitably warped slow jam lullaby, layered with whistles, snatched vocals and the same kind of snare snap you find stamped deep into everything Joker produces. Her ability to drive dance floors is captured at the peak of the album in triplicate. "Psoriasis," "Video Delays" and "Look (Final Boss Stage)" all crank the drum patterns up to incredibly insistent; and while "Video..." takes a more eyes-down, introspective route with the cascading synths often completely bleaching the tone out of the drums in places, it, like the final chapter of the album, belongs on a big rig in a compact room.
The drum work on Contact is rough and intentionally so, ready to pummel you from a finely tweaked bassbin, but it's Ikonika's approach to melody and the way she layers her synthesizers that is undoubtedly the most exciting thing about this full-length. There are moments when the tones bleed a bit too much, sometimes eclipsing the rhythm and at times the rigid stylophone lead line approach feels more angular and precarious than it need be, but Contact, Love, Want, Have is a collection of work by someone who revels in these approaches, unworried by their potential genre compatibility. A superbly strong and relentlessly inventive debut album.
Alt i alt giver Resident Advisor albummet:
There's a undeniable thread that binds Hyperdub and its artists. Yet label boss, spokesman and mainline protagonist, Kode 9, has gone on the record numerous times to say that he can't really put his finger on exactly what it is. When he finds it, he says, he simply knows it. Upon release of Ikonika's debut 12-inch for the label, Please, what was immediately evident was her individuality. With that single Sara Abdel-Hamid merged the nonsense melodics of skweee with lashings of bass weight and some purposefully primitive, galloping drums, creating her own strain of the bastardised bass music virus.
Early Contact, Love, Want, Have highlight "Idiot" sets the tone for the full-length, contorting in typical Ikonika fashion with her cheap sounding synthesizers bumbling around a steady bass drum pulse. Unfurling into a homage to the percussive textures of UK funky as the snare drums patter, she propels the chorus section with slow thick bass tones and the kind of melodic interplay that belongs amongst a bustling arcade. But melody isn't the only concern: Ikonika has positioned herself at the forefront of the outsider dance, and rhythm is just as important. "They Are Losing the War" personifies Ikonika's approach to it perfectly. Pumping off a bold shoulder pad touting riff, she keeps her groove regimented to the 4x4 kick, splaying snares in erratic cyphers across gurgles and uplifting pads.
Singles "Fish," "Millie" and the opinion-splitting "Sahara Michael," the latter of which is an exercise in incredibly high pitched manipulation, booming sine waves and succulent chords chops, are all included before the halfway respite of "Continue?," a track that feels like Ikonika's suitably warped slow jam lullaby, layered with whistles, snatched vocals and the same kind of snare snap you find stamped deep into everything Joker produces. Her ability to drive dance floors is captured at the peak of the album in triplicate. "Psoriasis," "Video Delays" and "Look (Final Boss Stage)" all crank the drum patterns up to incredibly insistent; and while "Video..." takes a more eyes-down, introspective route with the cascading synths often completely bleaching the tone out of the drums in places, it, like the final chapter of the album, belongs on a big rig in a compact room.
The drum work on Contact is rough and intentionally so, ready to pummel you from a finely tweaked bassbin, but it's Ikonika's approach to melody and the way she layers her synthesizers that is undoubtedly the most exciting thing about this full-length. There are moments when the tones bleed a bit too much, sometimes eclipsing the rhythm and at times the rigid stylophone lead line approach feels more angular and precarious than it need be, but Contact, Love, Want, Have is a collection of work by someone who revels in these approaches, unworried by their potential genre compatibility. A superbly strong and relentlessly inventive debut album.
Alt i alt giver Resident Advisor albummet:
Nyt Joy Orbison Remix
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Joy Orbison remixer her Todd Edmards, og synes egentlig det er meget godt.. Var ikke så vild med stemmen i starten, men synes som nummeret udvikler sig, at det passer meget godt.
God fornøjelse
Anbefaling: DR P2 Kosmo
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on mandag den 5. april 2010
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Jeg vil lige lægge et godt ord ind for DR P2, der rent faktisk har stablet et godt program på benene kaldet Kosmo. Jeg hørte det første gang for et par uger siden i bilen, og troede det var en tilfældighed, at der lige blev spillet dubstep, men så i går på vej hjem fra Berlin fik jeg hørt hele udsendelsen. Det er ikke kun dubstep og andet basmusik, der bliver spillet i Kosmo, det kommer meget an på hvem der er medvært. Men når Ralf Christensen får besøg af Thomas Knak, kan man godt regne med nogle interessante 45 minutter!
DR skriver selv om udsendelsen:
Kosmo kan udvide din horisont og trække tæppet væk under dig. Vi springer sammen på hovedet i nye egne af den alternative rock og den elektroniske musik, såvel som i verdensmusikkens nye traditionelle, såvel som urbaniserede og globaliserede takter og toner. Fra grime og dubstep til electronica og wonky. Fra kuduro og tuareg-blues til freak folk og
Vi har fokus på nye udgivelser og tendenser og på, hvad der rører sig i undergrunden lige nu. Men vi zapper også tilbage i tiden for at skabe musikhistorisk overblik, associere frit eller drage uventede paralleller.
Kosmo dyrker en afslappet, personlig, saglig tone fuld af sanselighed og med blik for menneskene og historierne bag musikken. Vi spiller det, vi elsker og forundres over, og vi håber at du også vil elske det.
Hovedvært Ralf Christensen vil på skift have besøg af medværterne Thomas Knak, Djuna Barnes, Kristian Leth og Joakim Grundahl Kjeldsen & Simon Lund Andersen. Musikkendere, formidlere, dj's, musikere, skribenter, anmeldere og først og fremmest musikelskere, som vil bidrage med hver deres personlige passion, baggrundsviden og indfaldsvinkel. Så kom nærmere. Der venter en stor vid verden af moderne musik.
Besøg DR P2 Kosmo, hvor I bl.a. kan høre udsendelsen fra i går, hvor man bliver lidt klogere på et par navne, vi ikke har snakket så meget om her på siden endnu, som bl.a. Vex'd, Flying Lotus, Mount kimbie, Ramadanman, Kuedo og Kyle Hall. Sidstnævnte havde jeg faktisk aldrig hørt før, kun per navn, men han er virkelig cool! Der er også nyt fra Scuba, der har pladeselskabet Hotflush, som blandt andre huser førnævnte Mount Kimbie, Joy Orbison, Untold, Pangaea, Elemental, Jamie Vex'd (efter han er gået solo som Kuedo), Gravious og Benga.
Jeg råder jer til at høre udsendelsen, da der bliver fortalt lidt om numrene og musikken i almindelighed, men ellers kan i høre nogle af numrene her og se tracklisten nedenfor.
Jeg kunne desværre ikke lige finde 'Kyle Hall - Dial 3 Dr. Girl Friend' til at smide ind i playeren, så det må I høre programmet for at høre - gør jer den tjeneste, det er super svedigt!
Vex'd - Slug Trawl Depths
Vex'd - Take Time Out ft. Warrior Queen
Kuedo - Glow
Mount Kimbie - Bave's Chords
Foals - Spanish Sahara (Mount Kimbie Remix)
Scuba - Before
Ramandanman - Bleeper
Ikonika - Psorarasis
Kyle Hall - You Know How I Feel
Kyle Hall - Dial 3 Dr. Girl Friend
Flying Lotus - And The World Laughs With You (ft Thom Yorke)
Sidst nævnte nummer udkommer på Flying Lotus' kommende album, og det tyder jo rigtig godt! Jeg synes generelt det er nogle interessante numre de viser frem. Jeg har nu aldrig været specielt meget til Vex'd og synes også at Ramandanman viser sig fra sin kedeligste side, men derudover er det efter min mening super fede numre!
DR P2 Kosmo
Hotflush Recordings
God påske!
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on onsdag den 31. marts 2010
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Nu smutter jeg på påskeferie, 4 dage i Europas hovedstad: Berlin!
Skyd påsken godt i gang med en omgang god musik! Ohoi og MidWeekBrakes ligger i hvert fald op til påskeløjer i aften!
OHOI! og Mid Week Brakes present: PåskeBASS!!!
Wednesday March 31st @ Pumpehuset, Studiestræde 52
BIIIIIG shout out to Carhartt for supporting this night
OHOI! floor
OHOI! feat Youngman MC (UK)
(2000F, JSL, Kristobal & Tim Driver)
Maffi (Live)
Wobble Squad ft. MC Black Daniels
Helmet & Psimono
MidWeekBrakes Floor
DJ Graded
DJ Whut
MC TIA (Live)
+ Guests
Earth shattering sound system delivered by Francis One. Customized for this night!
Entrance fee: 60,- b4 24.00 / 80,- after
God påske herfra!
Skyd påsken godt i gang med en omgang god musik! Ohoi og MidWeekBrakes ligger i hvert fald op til påskeløjer i aften!
OHOI! og Mid Week Brakes present: PåskeBASS!!!
Wednesday March 31st @ Pumpehuset, Studiestræde 52
BIIIIIG shout out to Carhartt for supporting this night
OHOI! floor
OHOI! feat Youngman MC (UK)
(2000F, JSL, Kristobal & Tim Driver)
Maffi (Live)
Wobble Squad ft. MC Black Daniels
Helmet & Psimono
MidWeekBrakes Floor
DJ Graded
DJ Whut
MC TIA (Live)
+ Guests
Earth shattering sound system delivered by Francis One. Customized for this night!
Entrance fee: 60,- b4 24.00 / 80,- after
God påske herfra!
Skream - Slumfunkula
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on fredag den 26. marts 2010
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Skream viser igen igen hvorfor han stadig anses for en af det største indenfor dubstep producere. Han er vanvittig alsidig, og leverer kvalitets tunes indenfor hver gren af genren.
Mala på Voxhall !
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on tirsdag den 23. marts 2010
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Århus får fint besøg de næste par måneder, først af Kromestar her d. 9 april [læs mere], og nu har jeg så lige fået besked om at Bass Culture bringer intet mindre end Mala til smilets by, og så oven i købet i selvskab med en af UK's bedste grime/dubstep MC's, nemlig Sgt. Pokes! Så det skal nok blive en syg aften!
Starttidspunkt: 28. maj 2010 kl. 22:00
Sluttidspunkt: 29. maj 2010 kl. 04:00
Sted: Voxhall Århus Denmark
Gade: Vester Allé 15
By: Århus, Denmark
Pris: Indtil videre er dette ikke oplyst.
Hvis i vil forberede jer rigtig godt på koncerten, så tag et lyt på hvad Mala har at fortælle om sig selv, hans musik, hans baggrund og meget mere, i dette vildt fede interview, hvor han også spiller et par af hans tunes og fortæller lidt om dem. Tror det er meget bedre end at jeg skriver et eller andet subjektivt og linker til 'Anti War Dub' !
Mala's myspace
DMZ's myspace
DMZ's website
Facebook event
Bass Cultures facebook
Debutalbum fra Ikonika
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Ikonika har i løbet af de sidste par år udgivet en række numre på Hyperdub. Numrene 'Please' og 'Sahara Michael' fandt skam også sin vej til det allerede legendariske album '5 years of Hyperdub'. Nu er tiden så kommet til at hun får smækket sine 8bit-computerspillydende dubstep tunes sammen på et debutalbum. Albummet hedder Contact, Want, Love, Have og udkommer d. 6 april.
Tracklist for album:
1. Ikonklast (Insert Coin)
2. Idiot
3. Yoshimitsu
4. Fish
5. R.e.s.o.l
6. They Are All Losing The War
7. Millie
8. Sahara Michael
9. Continue?
10. Heston
11. Psoriasis
12. Video Delays
13. Look (final boss stage)
14. Red Marker Pens (Good Ending)
Jeg fandt også lige dette lille interview med Ikonika til jer, interviewet er fra
How long did it take from sending Hyperdub a demo to getting it released?
I started sending tunes to Kode9 in early 2007 through dubstepforum. He’d recognised my name from a documentary I made while I was a film student. I sent him ‘Please’ later that year and he loved it. He started playing it out and it seemed it was getting the right attention so we decided to release it.
How is your sound evolving?
I made the last two releases in Fruity Loops 6 on a dodgy laptop. I’ve recently switched to Logic and I’m making most of my album on it. I’ve still got a lot of learning to do so I’m hoping that each song I make will be better than the last, this is how I think I’ll be evolving. I’m just trying to grow really and I want people to see that.
Are you conscious of the various labels and scenes that continually crop up and mutate around dubstep?
I am.
Do you care about them?
Only the ones that are good.
When you are in the studio, do you think, ‘Right, tonight I’m going to make something for people who like funky’ or whatever else?
Whenever I think like that nothing comes out.
So how does a track come about?
When I was on FL I did find it hard to zone out and put pressure on myself. I was just knocking quick melodies out then starting a new project etc, whereas now I’m working a lot better. I’m using some hardware synthesisers now and experimenting with the different sounds I can get out of them.
There’s something very moving the chords that are present in your tracks – it brings an interesting element, a contrast, to the almost bleep-y-style production. Speaking of which, is that bleep/Sheffield/Warp sound an influence?
Not really, only because I’m influenced by other stuff. I grew up listening to RnB, hip-hop and garage. But the reason I use a lot bleeps is because I simply like the sound and the way I can use a bleep sample millions of ways.
Your mix of ‘Township Funk’ is excellent – there is a similarity between your sound and the original, the rawness…
I think we share a similar idea of what we want from our melodies. It was an honour to do the remix and I remember whilst working on it how fluid it all felt. It was very natural and I just completely zoned out. It was one of those ones were I worked on it fast with no hassle or blocks or anything like that.
I read that you used to drum in hardcore bands, and you list the likes of Glassjaw as an influence. How did you end up making this kind of music?
From the age of 14 I knew I wanted to be a producer or a DJ. I was always intrigued by beats, where they came from and how they were made. I think drumming was a natural way of me exploring those ideas I had when I was younger. When my band broke up I wanted to keep active in music so I downloaded a cracked copy of FL4 and started making some hip-hop or R'n'B stuff. I found out about dubstep around 2005 and knew I could do something like that, but with a different kind style. I wanted to combine all my influences in the 140bpm range. Again it just felt like a natural way forward, another new thing for me to explore.
Do you still play drums with any bands? Both are such different worlds…
I haven’t played on my kit for over a year. It’s sitting in my loft. I just don’t have the space because of my studio equipment. I don’t think I was ever that good though.
On ‘Millie’, I can hear the occasional live (or sampled?) break – will you attempt to pursue that direction further?
It’s a sample. I just felt I needed to use a bit of double bass pedal-ness in one of my tunes. Hopefully If I find a decent place to set-up my kit, I will no doubt attempt to sample some hits and fills
Who is your favourite producer?
Overall its people like J-Dilla, Rich Harrison, Neptunes, Burial, Kode9 and Skream
And favourite DJ?
Right now I’m love with guys like Ben UFO, Braiden, Brackles and Oneman but also I love hearing Kode9 play out. He creates this weird and crazy mood that makes me forget where I am.
Aside from DJing, do you go to nightclubs often? If not where do you hear new music? Or is that essential?
I think FWD is the only place I really truly love going to. I love how relaxed it’s gotten by switching to a Sunday. I can always just chill and listen.
Why do so many dubstep producers want to be techno producers?
I don’t know.
Hyperdub is one of the most interesting labels around right now – it feels like something of a close family. Will you look at releasing anywhere else?
Because I’m working on this album, I don’t know if there’s gonna be time releasing on another label, but we will see.
Lyt mere til Ikonika på hendes myspace.
Rusko musicvideo
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on mandag den 22. marts 2010
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Folk hater en del på Rusko for tiden, det er lige ved at der er gået sport i det. Jeg vil indrømme, at jeg ikke selv hører specielt meget Rusko og jeg kan i øvrigt heller ikke særlig godt lide denne video, men som jeg ser det, så skal hans musik ikke tages så skide seriøst. Han har det sjovt med musikken. Han laver numre med masser af rytme, hvor wobblebassen virkelig bliver brugt til at understrege den vuggende, gyngende fornemmelse, som virkelig giver en fed følelse og stemning til fester og koncerter. Han er en dygtig producer, der har det fedt med det han laver, det er 'sex, drugs & wob'n'roll' og det skinner igennem i både musikken og i videoen.
Nu har 'Pro Nails' både hærget P3 og ungdomsprogrammet 'Pigerne mod drengene', mon denne video finder sin vej til boogie listen? Hvad siger I til hele denne 'Rusko business' ?
Har i øvrigt lige fundet denne tracklist for hans nye album med titlen 'OMG'. Albummet skulle udkomme 3 maj.
Kode9 interview
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on onsdag den 17. marts 2010
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Super fedt dybdegående interview, der tager os helt tilbage til dubsteppens spæde begyndelse. Kode9 (producer/DJ/grundlægger af pladeselskabet Hyperdub) fortæller om alt fra jungle og drum'n'bass scenen i midt 90'erne til UK garage scenen i slut 90'erne og sammenfatter det med det vi ser i dubsteppen i dag. Gør jer en tjeneste at sæt tiden af til at se det!
På hjemmesiden kan I i øvrigt finde en masse andre gode interviews med bl.a. Mala, D-bridge, Appleblim, Martyn, Plastician og Roska.
Han snakker på et tidspunkt om en musikvideo, nogle filmstuderende har lavet til et af hans numre, og jeg tror det evt. kunne være denne:
Kromestar til Århus
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on mandag den 15. marts 2010
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Som vi har skrevet tidligere er der startet en dubstep klub i Århus. Den hedder Dubclub og holder sine arrangementer på studenterhuset. De er nu klar med deres første Tjek facebook eventet event d. 9. April.
Dørene åbner kl. 20.00
Entré bliver 70 kroner
Kromestar og MC Sun of Selah!! (GB)
DubAss Crew! (DK)
Gyalbash (DK) (Ft. Kalima, m.m.)
Kromestar er rigtig cool, men kunne måske personligt godt have ønsket et andet hovednavn, mest fordi Sune og jeg var inde at høre ham i slutningen af januar, da han spillede på Rust. I kan læse om den koncert her
Dørene åbner kl. 20.00
Entré bliver 70 kroner
Kromestar og MC Sun of Selah!! (GB)
DubAss Crew! (DK)
Gyalbash (DK) (Ft. Kalima, m.m.)
Kromestar er rigtig cool, men kunne måske personligt godt have ønsket et andet hovednavn, mest fordi Sune og jeg var inde at høre ham i slutningen af januar, da han spillede på Rust. I kan læse om den koncert her
Ama'r skanks
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on lørdag den 13. marts 2010
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Lige en hurtig reminder til dubstep-crowded i KBH. SKANK spiller op til dans for anden gang på Beta club på Amager i aften!!
Lineupet er:
PHONETICS (BE // 54 Kolaktiv)
Et af hans nyeste dubstep mixes kan høres her. Det lyder som om han holder sig i den mere chillede afdeling af dubsteppen. På hans blog poster han desuden også soul og funk mixes - det bliver spændende og høre hvad han har at byde på!
DJ BREAKFAST (CA. Radio Torsdagsredaktion FM.90,4 ,More!)
Efter afbud fra 2000F (ærgerligt!!) har DJ Breakfast tilsluttet sig aftenens lineup. Hans mixes indeholder en god portion drum 'n bass, men lad os håbe det bliver mere bass end drum! Hør nyeste mix her
MC BLACK DANIELS (CA. Radio Torsdagsredaktion FM.90,4 ,More!)
MC'en der er support for DJ breakfast, men han vil også MCe ind over de andre DJs.
Til sidst er der SKANKS residents, som altid er god for en god røvfuld bass i hovedet:
JB (Sub.FM // SKANK)
Nærmere info kan ses på facebook eventet her.
Jakes & Joker - 3k Lane
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on fredag den 12. marts 2010
Dagens YouTube
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Har ikke haft meget tid til bloggen i denne uge, som i måske har bemærket, men det skal nok komme!
I får lige nummeret '3k lane', hvilket er et mash-up mellem Jakes - 3K Out og Joker - Gullybrook Lane. To fede numre i sig selv, og et rigtig fedt mash-up. Det kan findes på albummet 'This Is Dubstep'.
Nyd det!
Ny Joy Orbison EP
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on mandag den 8. marts 2010
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Har lige købt denne nye Joy Orbison EP og tænkte jeg lige ville dele den med jer. Super sprød EP efter min mening. Fandt en lille anmeldelse af EP'en på Juno Download, som i kan læse her:
Artist: Joy Orbison
Title: The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow
Label: Aus Music
Genre: Dubstep/Grime
Format: 12″
Buy From: Juno Records
Occasionally, you come across a song or parts of a song that not only give your ears, mind or body a reaction, but also make your soul jump up and feel high. Joy Orbison delivers just that with his latest EP, “The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow.”
Peter O’Grady – known to the clubbing intelligentsia as Joy Orbison – burst onto the scene in 2009 with the ubiquitous “Hyph Mngo” (which, in addition to being one of the tracks of the year, can also be pronounced in any of 32 different ways).
Both “The Shrew” and “So Derobe” feature lush genre-bending soundscapes of skittering riddims, atmospheric synths, and of course, heavy bass backdrops that keep Joy Orbison relevant in the bass music underground.
Both tracks feature vocal samples that are chopped up, looped, and used prominently as yet another piece of instrumentation, a technique also favoured by other boundary pushers like Burial and Four Tet. It’s the melodic, almost chorus-like vocal sample in “So Derobe” that lifts me off the ground and high above the clouds. In “The Shrew,” it’s the final third of the track when everything gets stripped down to melodic synth and drumbeats, later followed by a non-intrusive bassline and vocal snippet that still lets the melody of the synth ring true. Powerful, high-inducing stuff.
Also included is an Actress remix of the title track, a tension-building, glitchy, minimal number. Drop it right before a big, bass-heavy banger and you’re set to take over the dancefloor.
Already off to a solid start for 2010, Joy Orbison is undoubtedly one to continue watching. Believe the hype.
Review: Helen Luu
Tag et lyt!
Joy Orbison - The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow
Joy Orbison - So Derobe
Joy Orbison - The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow (Actress' Neu Haus So Glo mix)
Artist: Joy Orbison
Title: The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow
Label: Aus Music
Genre: Dubstep/Grime
Format: 12″
Buy From: Juno Records
Occasionally, you come across a song or parts of a song that not only give your ears, mind or body a reaction, but also make your soul jump up and feel high. Joy Orbison delivers just that with his latest EP, “The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow.”
Peter O’Grady – known to the clubbing intelligentsia as Joy Orbison – burst onto the scene in 2009 with the ubiquitous “Hyph Mngo” (which, in addition to being one of the tracks of the year, can also be pronounced in any of 32 different ways).
Both “The Shrew” and “So Derobe” feature lush genre-bending soundscapes of skittering riddims, atmospheric synths, and of course, heavy bass backdrops that keep Joy Orbison relevant in the bass music underground.
Both tracks feature vocal samples that are chopped up, looped, and used prominently as yet another piece of instrumentation, a technique also favoured by other boundary pushers like Burial and Four Tet. It’s the melodic, almost chorus-like vocal sample in “So Derobe” that lifts me off the ground and high above the clouds. In “The Shrew,” it’s the final third of the track when everything gets stripped down to melodic synth and drumbeats, later followed by a non-intrusive bassline and vocal snippet that still lets the melody of the synth ring true. Powerful, high-inducing stuff.
Also included is an Actress remix of the title track, a tension-building, glitchy, minimal number. Drop it right before a big, bass-heavy banger and you’re set to take over the dancefloor.
Already off to a solid start for 2010, Joy Orbison is undoubtedly one to continue watching. Believe the hype.
Review: Helen Luu
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Joy Orbison - The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow
Joy Orbison - So Derobe
Joy Orbison - The Shrew Would Have Cushioned The Blow (Actress' Neu Haus So Glo mix)
Dansk Dubstep: Mic Ryan
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on lørdag den 6. marts 2010
Dansk Dubstep
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Nu er det ved at være noget tid siden, vi har haft noget dansk dubstep på bloggen. Men i dag kan vi ihvertfald præsentere jer for én.
Mic Ryan aka. Louis Lennert er producer og underviser i producering af elektronisk musik på Esbjerg Ungdomsskole.
Jeg kendte ikke selv Mic Ryan, før han kontaktede os, men har nu fået chancen for at lytte lidt på hans ting. Jeg har valgt 3 numre ud fra hans soundcloud, som jeg umiddelbart synes bedst om. Generelt ligger han sig i den dystre ende af dubsteppen, men eksperimenterer også med jazzede undertoner, som i nummeret 'Mor På Messing Dope'. Ta' et lyt og lad os høre hvad i mener om det!
Mic Ryan - Mor På Messing Dope by LouisLennert
Triky12 - Layback (Mic Ryan Remix) by LouisLennert
Mic Ryan - Huha Dub Zaza by LouisLennert
Mic Ryan aka. Louis Lennert er producer og underviser i producering af elektronisk musik på Esbjerg Ungdomsskole.
Jeg kendte ikke selv Mic Ryan, før han kontaktede os, men har nu fået chancen for at lytte lidt på hans ting. Jeg har valgt 3 numre ud fra hans soundcloud, som jeg umiddelbart synes bedst om. Generelt ligger han sig i den dystre ende af dubsteppen, men eksperimenterer også med jazzede undertoner, som i nummeret 'Mor På Messing Dope'. Ta' et lyt og lad os høre hvad i mener om det!
Mic Ryan - Mor På Messing Dope by LouisLennert
Triky12 - Layback (Mic Ryan Remix) by LouisLennert
Mic Ryan - Huha Dub Zaza by LouisLennert
Swarms give away !
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on fredag den 5. marts 2010
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Ville lige meddele, at Swarms har lagt nummeret "Function 212" til fri download, så få det ned på Ipod'en og ta' den med til fest i aften!
Swarms - Function 212
God fredag! Vi vender tilbage i løbet af weekenden, bl.a. med noget ny 'Dansk Dubstep'!
Swarms - Function 212
God fredag! Vi vender tilbage i løbet af weekenden, bl.a. med noget ny 'Dansk Dubstep'!
16bit's soft side
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on torsdag den 4. marts 2010
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16bit er nok mest kendte for at lave dubstep i den rigtig tunge ende. Numre som Chainsaw Calligraphy, Swine Flu, In the daeth car og det nye Noisia - Machine Gun (16bit remix) smadrer clubber rundt om i hele dubstep verdenen. Jeg ved ikke om jeg synes det er ærgerligt at de er kendt for dette, da jeg selv også godt kan lide den mere hype/filth side af dubsteppen, men det er i hvert fald ærgerligt, at deres mere melodiøse numre ikke får mere anerkendelse, da disse faktisk er i højeste klasse! Derfor har jeg samlet en god del af deres 'blødere' numre i en playlist nedenfor. Tag et lyt på det!
Hvis i genkender et par af numrene, er det måske fordi både Twice og Toxic var med på Luvstep udgivelsen, vi skrev om tidligere.
Skal de holde sig til hype/filth eller hvad siger i til det?
Interview på
A milli songs to choose ...
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on tirsdag den 2. marts 2010
Dagens YouTube
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Dubstep er en genre med en stor spændvidde. Dette ser man blandt andet i de remix der bliver lavet. Jeg sad søgte efter Lil Wayne - A Milli (Harmonimix remix) og faldte så over et Stenchman remix af samme sang. Jeg ved godt hvilket mix jeg ville foretrække, nemlig Harmonimix's. Men hvad foretrækker i? Harmonimix? Stenchman? eller måske originalen?
Let us know!
Let us know!
Gratis samples!
Så, nu er vi klar igen med indlæg. Det har været en meget travl weekend! Dem af jer der selv producerer vil måske synes om dette lille tip!
Prime Loops, der bl.a. står bag den populære sample pakke 'Dubstep Producer', har i en begrænset periode valgt, at lægge næsten 500MB gratis loops og samples ud til 100% gratis download. Der skulle være masser at gå i gang med, både inden for house, dubstep og meget mere. Skynd jer at downloade pakken her
Prime Loops, der bl.a. står bag den populære sample pakke 'Dubstep Producer', har i en begrænset periode valgt, at lægge næsten 500MB gratis loops og samples ud til 100% gratis download. Der skulle være masser at gå i gang med, både inden for house, dubstep og meget mere. Skynd jer at downloade pakken her
Spot on Joker
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on torsdag den 25. februar 2010
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Bristol dj'en og produceren Joker har taget dubstep verdenen med storm de sidste par år. Pitchfork Magazine udråbte ham i 2008 til ”Producer Of The Year”, og han var også i år nomineret på dubstepforum til Producer Of The Year. Joker har en del EP's på bagen, og Mary Anne Hobbs fortalte i et show for nogle uger siden, at hans første album skulle ligge klar i slutningen af dette år. Jeg fandt iøvrigt en ret fed artikel om Joker hvor han musik blev beskrevet: "There is perhaps no greater example of the diversity and genuine musical talent held within the scene than Bristol’s own Joker. He has risen to prominence with a sound fusing synth-laden melodies, computer game sound effects, RnB chord progressions, the raw bass of Dubstep and nods to UK garage, early 90’s West Coast gangsta rap and grime." I kan læse hele artiklen her.
På det seneste har der været en tendens til at dubsteppen er blevet en anelse splittet mellem dem der hører 'hård dubstep' og dem der hører 'blød dubstep' (så er det fandeme også sagt meget forenklet), men det er som om Joker samler disse to sider af genren på en helt speciel måde. Probs her fra!
Udover en masse gode egenproduktioner, så er Joker også kendt for hans vildt fede remixes og hans samarbejde med produceren Ginz. Han har blandt andet remixet danske Turboweekends nummer Trouble Is. Jeg har samlet en lille portion numre i afspilleren. Dem hvor der ikke står Joker er remixes.
Har også lige fundet et lille mix på 1 time og 50 minutter, hvor der er masser af god Grime og Dubstep. Grunden til at jeg lige fyrre det ind i dette Joker indlæg er, at hele 4 Joker tracks har fundet sin vej ind i mixet. Det nummer der starter omkring 13:40 er super fedt! Det er Joker & Terror Danjah - Golly Goon Estate. Elijah & Skilliam, som har lavet det nedenstående mix, er i øvrigt blandt de bedste at bruge, hvis man skal mere ind i Grime.
Køb Joker udgivelser på beatport
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on tirsdag den 23. februar 2010
Dansk Dubstep,
Nye Navne
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CHLLNGR er alias for producer og multi instrumentalisten Steve Borth II. Han er oprindeligt fra Californien, men bor og arbejder nu i Danmark. Hans vision som producer er, som han selv siger det: "to work with as many musicians in this lifetime as possible, both on this planet and beyond." Han har blandt andet arbejdet sammen med Ninjasonik, Zach Hill (Wavves, Hella), Afrikan Boy, Tyler Pope, Wallpaper, De Tropix med flere. Derudover har han haft æren af at have været på forsiden af Submerge Mag. I kan læse artiklen om ham HER.
Tag et lyt på hans musik og giv jeres mening til kende. Jeg er især vild med hans The XX remix, den har han sgu ramt rigtig godt! Der skulle snart komme et CHLLNGR remix af Jahdan Blakkamoore's "The General", som Noah D f.eks. også har remixet. Det kan vi jo godt begynde at se frem til!
Ninjasonik "Somebody Gonna Get Pregnant" CHLLNGR REMIX by CHLLNGR
CHLLNGR "Nuff Scurrred" (Dr. Echo Remix) by CHLLNGR
The XX remixet er foreløbigt taget væk fra bloggen, men har snakket med CHLLNGR og det skulle gerne komme tilbage på bloggen igen, forhåbentlig i løbet af næste uge.
Vi skal nok holde jer opdateret med hvornår han spiller i DK.
Søndags grooves
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on søndag den 21. februar 2010
Dagens YouTube
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Glædelig søndag peepz!
Jeg er lige faldet over nogle tracks som jeg vil dele, så i kan få jeres søndags groover på. Forvent sprøde grooves! Nyd dem og god søndag..
Det første track kan downloades fra Phase02, men de andre er fra youtube og derfor også i ussel kvalitet. Fyr op for musikken og groooove den sidste del af din søndag væk i dubsteppens tegn!
Liondub & Matt Shadetek – The General Riddim (Original Dub)
Jeg er lige faldet over nogle tracks som jeg vil dele, så i kan få jeres søndags groover på. Forvent sprøde grooves! Nyd dem og god søndag..
Det første track kan downloades fra Phase02, men de andre er fra youtube og derfor også i ussel kvalitet. Fyr op for musikken og groooove den sidste del af din søndag væk i dubsteppens tegn!
Liondub & Matt Shadetek – The General Riddim (Original Dub)
Spot on Gravious
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Jeg er blevet ret så vild med Gravious' lidt fremtids-jazz dubstep, synes virkelig det fungerer godt! Tag et lyt på hans myspace!
Hans nyeste EP hedder Futurist. I kan læse en lille anmeldelse af den her, ellers kan i nedenfor høre udpluk af sangene - det er selvfølgelig også muligt at købe EP'en på junodownloads .
Vision – Jass
DFRNT – Throwback
Funk Ethics – Razor Boy
Gravious – World Of Tomorrow
Kaskaad – Chaise Longue
Hyetal – Pixel Rainbow Sequence
Scuba – Klinik
Ikonika – Phonelines VIP
Dan le Sac & Scroobius Pip – Thou Shalt Always Kill (Vaccine Remix)
Kaskaad – Goa
Deepchild – Wannado (Gravious Remix)
Untold – Just For You
A Shoreline Dream & Ulrich Schnauss – neverChanger (CacheFlowe Remix)
Hans nyeste EP hedder Futurist. I kan læse en lille anmeldelse af den her, ellers kan i nedenfor høre udpluk af sangene - det er selvfølgelig også muligt at købe EP'en på junodownloads .
Her for en uges tid siden, var jeg så heldig at falde over et rigtig godt interview med Gravious, samt et lille mix han lavede til interviewet. Det starter ud således:
Scottish producer Gravious, has re-appeared with a glut of live shows, after a seemingly year long hiatus from releases, after 3 singles on HotFlush and its sub label Scuba. His recent 'Futurist EP' (full review here) for the London based Highpoint Lowlife label was reportedly inspired by visions of the future fitting considering that on the strength of it and of his own productions his future is as bright as a certain mobile phone companies idea to give away 2 for 1 cinema tickets. We caught up with him to learn a little something while we nabbed our 20th exclusive mix. Sonic Router: Can you provide those who may not know you with a bit of background info? Gravious: Yes! My name is Ali, and I produce slightly leftfield Dubstep tunes under the alias Gravious. I'm an Edinburgh boy, but have been based in Glasgow for the last 8 years. My first release came out on Scuba, a sub-label of HotFlush Recordings, back in 2006. That was followed by 3 more on HotFlush, and more recently by an EP on Highpoint Lowlife. [READ MORE]
Nu regner jeg med, at mange af jer har været inde og læse interview'et og måske endda også hørt mixet i bunden, men for god ordens skyld, smidder jeg det også lige ind her:
Scottish producer Gravious, has re-appeared with a glut of live shows, after a seemingly year long hiatus from releases, after 3 singles on HotFlush and its sub label Scuba. His recent 'Futurist EP' (full review here) for the London based Highpoint Lowlife label was reportedly inspired by visions of the future fitting considering that on the strength of it and of his own productions his future is as bright as a certain mobile phone companies idea to give away 2 for 1 cinema tickets. We caught up with him to learn a little something while we nabbed our 20th exclusive mix. Sonic Router: Can you provide those who may not know you with a bit of background info? Gravious: Yes! My name is Ali, and I produce slightly leftfield Dubstep tunes under the alias Gravious. I'm an Edinburgh boy, but have been based in Glasgow for the last 8 years. My first release came out on Scuba, a sub-label of HotFlush Recordings, back in 2006. That was followed by 3 more on HotFlush, and more recently by an EP on Highpoint Lowlife. [READ MORE]
Nu regner jeg med, at mange af jer har været inde og læse interview'et og måske endda også hørt mixet i bunden, men for god ordens skyld, smidder jeg det også lige ind her:
Vision – Jass
DFRNT – Throwback
Funk Ethics – Razor Boy
Gravious – World Of Tomorrow
Kaskaad – Chaise Longue
Hyetal – Pixel Rainbow Sequence
Scuba – Klinik
Ikonika – Phonelines VIP
Dan le Sac & Scroobius Pip – Thou Shalt Always Kill (Vaccine Remix)
Kaskaad – Goa
Deepchild – Wannado (Gravious Remix)
Untold – Just For You
A Shoreline Dream & Ulrich Schnauss – neverChanger (CacheFlowe Remix)
2300 SKANK
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on lørdag den 20. februar 2010
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Så åbner Amagers første dubstep klub - 2300 SKANK! Lineupet er som altid de kære SKANKers samt nogle små dubstep-perler.
Lineupet er:
La Cuchina Som Sistema (Club 1Up // Wobble Trouble)
All Out Dubstep (Sverige // All Out Dubstep TV)
Bun D Bass (Saxons)
Revealomatic (Sub.FM // SKANK)
Van Da Thy (SKANK)
Personligt ville jeg glæde mig til La Cuchina Som Sistema og gode gamle Revealomatic, hvis jeg da ikke var dødsens syg og skal spendere min lørdag aften i sengen! effing crap!
Festen går ned på Beta Club, lige ved siden af Amager Bio, tjek eventen ud her!
Breakage feat. Burial - Vial
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on torsdag den 18. februar 2010
Dagens YouTube,
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Kunne ikke holde det inde, så i får nyheden nu med det samme, selvom kl. er 02:39 og jeg ser snowboard halfpipe semifinale. Breakage's samarbejde med Burial er lige blevet åbnet op til offentligt medhør! Hmm.. Smooth.. Meget typisk Burial vokalarbejde - lige som man kunne ønske! Hvad siger i til det?
Køb Breakage albummet her
Køb Breakage albummet her
Year 2999 Competition
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on onsdag den 17. februar 2010
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Vi er lige blevet kontaktet af peppermillrecords og blevet gjort opmærksom på denne vildt fede konkurrence de har kørende. De vil gerne have alle jer kreative danske producere, til at give jeres bidrag! I får chancen for at få jeres track udgivet sammen med en række etablerede producere. Nå, nu til konkurrencen:
It's the year 2999, and what you see above is your future. What exactly is going on? Your job is to soundtrack the above painting by celebrated futurist David Schleinkofer and write a short description of your vision.
This open competition is for a spot on a big upcoming Peppermill release, the chosen piece will be featured alongside many of the most talented forward-thinking electronic musicians around. Their works will be interpreted by illustrators while you'll be doing the exact opposite.
What we're putting together is a futuristic dance album, as the title is a play on the phrase "dance like it's 1999". However this doesn't have to sound like anything humans currently groove to, in fact we encourage you to paint way, way outside the lines.
Bass is necessary though. Deep, deep sub bass. This collection is going to feature songs using a very full range of frequencies, and experimentation with the lower end of the spectrum is a must.
When completed it'll be freely downloadable under a Creative Commons license, as all our releases are, which means people are encouraged to share the music but aren't allowed to alter it in any way or use it for commercial purposes without your consent.
- interpret the painting above
- the result should be ready to be played on dancefloors 989 years from now
- use a rich range of frequencies including sub-bass
- the title should be fairly descriptive, as the painting and the song are to be a combo
- include a paragraph-long summary of your vision
Submit your track:
The deadline is April the 18th. You can enter more than one, although only one entry will be chosen for this release, however if the submissions warrant it we'd consider putting them out separately. And when you're finished you can submit your track right here . We prefer a 320kbs mp3 file for previewing purposes, and if chosen we'll need a wav or aif or some other lossless version.
So you have roughly 2 months to create your 30th-century masterpiece. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. Good luck!
I må også meget gerne skrive en lille kommentar her inde hvis i deltager, så vi kan følge lidt med! Held og lykke herfra også!
It's the year 2999, and what you see above is your future. What exactly is going on? Your job is to soundtrack the above painting by celebrated futurist David Schleinkofer and write a short description of your vision.
This open competition is for a spot on a big upcoming Peppermill release, the chosen piece will be featured alongside many of the most talented forward-thinking electronic musicians around. Their works will be interpreted by illustrators while you'll be doing the exact opposite.
What we're putting together is a futuristic dance album, as the title is a play on the phrase "dance like it's 1999". However this doesn't have to sound like anything humans currently groove to, in fact we encourage you to paint way, way outside the lines.
Bass is necessary though. Deep, deep sub bass. This collection is going to feature songs using a very full range of frequencies, and experimentation with the lower end of the spectrum is a must.
When completed it'll be freely downloadable under a Creative Commons license, as all our releases are, which means people are encouraged to share the music but aren't allowed to alter it in any way or use it for commercial purposes without your consent.
- interpret the painting above
- the result should be ready to be played on dancefloors 989 years from now
- use a rich range of frequencies including sub-bass
- the title should be fairly descriptive, as the painting and the song are to be a combo
- include a paragraph-long summary of your vision
Submit your track:
The deadline is April the 18th. You can enter more than one, although only one entry will be chosen for this release, however if the submissions warrant it we'd consider putting them out separately. And when you're finished you can submit your track right here . We prefer a 320kbs mp3 file for previewing purposes, and if chosen we'll need a wav or aif or some other lossless version.
So you have roughly 2 months to create your 30th-century masterpiece. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. Good luck!
I må også meget gerne skrive en lille kommentar her inde hvis i deltager, så vi kan følge lidt med! Held og lykke herfra også!
Indsendt af
on mandag den 15. februar 2010
Nye Navne,
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What up dubbers? Jeg har desværre været lidt fraværende på bloggen, men nu er jeg tilbage med et festfyrværkeri af ond musik til alle jer smadderhoveder. Jeg byder jer: FUNTCASE !
Tapemonsteret, Funtcase, er rendyrket filth! Han er ved at blive rigtig stor i UK, og laver co-labs med bl.a. Trolley Snatcha og Datsik. Han er signet på Circus records , som er dannet af Doctor P og Flux Pavilion, som blandet andet også har Cookie Monsta signet.
Funtcase har, som så mange andre, rødder i drum'n'bass og har kun produceret dubstep i cirka et halvt år og man må sige han gør det godt i forhold til at være ny i gamet! Han nævner i et interview at grunden til at han bruger tapemasken hver gang han laver live-gigs, er at det bare var en maske han lige havde med til et gig og så kunne de 10 mennesker der var til koncerten li det og så har det hængt ved. Han siger desuden, at drum'n'bass er en stor inspirationskilde når han laver beats.
Men nu til det vigtige - musikken:
Jeg har som i mit andet indlæg lagt en player for neden. Det første nummer vi starter ud med er dubsteppa , som er Funtcase's nyeste track, som jeg synes han slipper rigtig godt fra. Den er groovy til at starte med og forvandler sig til et bæst af en sang efter droppet. Jeg vil anbefale at høre den i højere kvalitet - det gør virkelig meget for nummeret at høre den i god kvalitet! Jeg kunne desværre kun finde et sample på sangen, så jeg glæder mig til at det bliver udgivet!
2 numre der er blevet udgivet er Gorilla Flex og Make Our Day. De er at finde på Juno records
Udover det har jeg fyldt playlisten op med nogle godter. Efter at have høre nogle numre af ham, kan man hurtigt konstatere at der er de samme opbygninger (30 sec chill, et drop og fuld smadder), han bruger også meget de samme lyde, så det kan godt blive lidt monotont i længden.
Nyd det! Peace